Our worship team crafts worship services that are deeply moving, intergenerational, and relevant. Sundays at 10am.
We see each new person who crosses our threshold as a piece of God whom we do not yet know, and we are so glad that you are interested in our community. We know that visiting a church for the first time takes a great deal of courage, and can be overwhelming, so we want you to know what you can expect.
You’ll find a relaxed, casual atmosphere with genuinely warm and friendly people at First Church. There is no “dress code,” so wear what you feel comfortable in. You will be met at the door by greeters who hand out name tags and get new folks oriented. Ushers hand you a bulletin (an order of the worship service). If you have children, you will receive a children’s bulletin and some quiet pew activities for them.
The service begins with announcements, a call to worship, prayer, and a hymn. Most hymns are sung from the red hymnal, and the bulletin will tell you which page to find them on. A time is reserved most Sundays for our pastors to speak directly with the children. There are Bibles in your pews that you are welcome to use to read along with the scripture passages with the page number clearly marked. Sometimes the scripture is printed in the bulletin instead. Scripture readings and an engaging, relevant, sometimes funny and occasionally irreverent sermon are followed by more music, prayers of the people, and the weekly offering (please feel free to let the plate pass you by…you are our guest). We end with a final hymn and blessing. Services are usually an hour and ten minutes.
Our services vary a lot from week to week depending on the season, and to accommodate beautiful rituals such as baptisms and other blessings. Holy Communion is on the first Sunday of every month. ALL are welcome to our communion table, no exceptions. In the warmer months, we often have outdoor services on the common outside of our church, weather dependent. You can also join us on Facebook Live if you are unable to join us in person: www.facebook.com/ FirstChurchSterling
If you are interested in Baptism for yourself or your child(ren), please contact Pastor Robin, Senior Pastor: robinwbartlett@gmail.com.

What if I have kids?
First Church in Sterling has blended worship, which means that kids and adults worship together every week. The joy, laughter, and presence of children brings an authenticity that reflects the diversity and beauty of our community. In the famous story of Jesus in the book of Matthew chapter nineteen, the disciples scold children and their parents for crowding Jesus as he preaches. But Jesus responds by telling them not to worry. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (NRSV Matt 19:14) By welcoming children and by modeling to our members that children are to be celebrated and welcomed into worship, we live into the example of Jesus and his ministry.
Children and babies of all ages are ALWAYS welcome, and all ages are encouraged to worship together. We also provide safe and loving professional childcare during our worship time in our Kinderwatch room every Sunday as a pastoral ministry to parents who want a more wiggle-free experience on Sunday morning. After the children’s message, kids who would rather not sit through service are invited to join us for WAY COOL SUNDAY SCHOOL. Children are also welcome to sit in the front row of the sanctuary with Pastor Zach, their peers, and other adult caretakers if parents prefer to worship in the quiet of their own pew.
After worship kids are invited to participate in meaningful and fun religious education that is designed just for them. No two kids are exactly alike, and our educational philosophy is to meet kids where they are, to teach them how to explore questions without shame or rigidity, and to transform kids into thinking, joyful people of faith.
If you are interested in learning more about children and youth religious education programming, please contact our Director of Youth and Adult Programs, Kate Sheridan: programs@fcsterling.org.
Can I join the choir?
First Church has active Children, Adult, and Bell Choirs and provides an opportunity for musicians to nurture their artistic expression and they are guided to do so in ways that enhance their abilities. All ages and all genres of music are honored and appreciated at First Church. If you are interested in sharing your musical gifts with us, please contact our Assistant Director of Music, Janna Coffin: 88keys@fcsterling.org.